Too Spent to Read to Your Kids? October 4, 2019 By Dara Bacon There are multiple ways to nourish a child’s literacy appetite and build pre-literacy skills
World Down Syndrome Day: Sign language resources at NPL March 21, 2019 By Dara Bacon Library materials help a family learn sign language!
Making Lemonade March 21, 2018 By Dara Bacon In celebration of World Down Syndrome Day 2018, here's a story about how books can help make sour lemons into sweet lemonade (so to speak).
Literacy in the Kitchen November 1, 2016 By Dara Bacon Simple ideas for increasing literacy experiences in the kitchen
Sing to Your Child Shamelessly August 9, 2016 By Dara Bacon Sing to your child and don't worry about how you sound!
Books for a Baby Shower March 21, 2016 By Dara Bacon One question our team gets asked a lot is "What are some great book picks to bring to a baby shower?" Read more to see our top recommendations!
Writing During the Holidays December 21, 2015 By Dara Bacon Need to keep the kids busy during the holidays…and promote literacy at the same time?
You're Reading WHAT to an Infant?! July 29, 2013 By Dara Bacon It doesn't matter what you read in the beginning, as long as you read to your infant.