Maybe you’ve heard of Deadpool, maybe you haven't. If you haven’t a) you haven’t been reading this blog because I talk about it all the time and b) you need to do your homework before the new movie comes out.
Welcome to the Ryan Reynolds Retrospective.
1. Would you like fries with that?
2. Drama drama everywhere [[nid:3548]] Ryan is probably best known for his lovable goofball persona, but this movie proves he can also do dramas. In this one, Ryan plays a lawyer for an Austrian holocaust survivor who is trying to get her paintings back. The Nazis stole them when they took over Austria. It’s a good movie, but I warn you that you will want to punch the Austrian government in the face. Just saying.
3. RomCom! Rom Com!
4. Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? [[nid:3550]] Samuel L Jackson is a bad guy who knows something about a worse guy, played by Gary Oldman. This time Ryan’s a bodyguard who promises to get Sammy to the Hague to testify. It’s a new twist on the old buddy movie. My favorite character, after Mr. Reynolds, of course, is Salma Hayek’s foul-mouthed wife of Samuel. Oh the hijinks in this one.
5. Have you seen this man? Oh Francis! [[nid:3551]] Why would I recommend a sequel without talking about the original? Deadpool is Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth and he’s hilarious. Luckily he can’t die, because people keep trying to kill him. Yes, his face does look like Ryan Reynolds had sex with a Shar-pei. I would definitely make sure to see this one before seeing the sequel. That way, you’ll be cool and catch all the inside jokes like me. Maximum effort!
So that’s just a small sample of the brilliance that is Ryan Reynolds. I can’t wait for the new Deadpool movie. T-minus 34 days and counting…
Happy Ryaning…
:) Amanda
*Oh yeah. It’s not really called that. I just liked the ring of it. Thanks Mel Brooks.
Donelson branch is closing early today, Thursday, Jan 23, for maintenance.